Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Goods Receipt : Basics

Lesson 2: Goods Receipts Entry: Basics

When goods are delivered against a purchase order, it is important for all departments concerned that you enter this goods receipt with reference to the purchase order, so that system suggest all open item data.

  • Movement Type:
                 While entering goods movement movement type is a must. Movement type is a three character key used to differentiate between goods movements. It also has important control functions stated below:
  1. It plays central role  in automatic account determination
  2. It also determines which stock and consumption accounts to be updated in financial accounting
  3. It determines the layout of the screen for document entry or updating quantity field
  • GR Transaction (MIGO)
                Goods receipt is a single screen transaction (MIGO). It is subdivided into following screen areas:
  1. Overview Tree : Display last 10 transactions. These are documents (PO, orders, reservations) that you referenced when posting a goods movement and material documents generated in this process. These activities can not be influenced by the user
  2. Header Data
  3. Item Overview and Item Detail

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