Wednesday, May 22, 2013

TSCM50 Procurement I Part 2

Unit 1: Sources of Supply

  • Purchasing Info Record
  • Contract
  • Scheduling Agreement

Unit 2: Source Determination

  • Source List
  • Quota Arrangement

Unit 3: Optimized Purchasing

  • Processing Assigned and Non Assigned Purchase Orders

Unit 4: Document Release Procedure

Unit 5: Invoice Entry

  • Introduction
  • Document Parking
  • Taxes, Cash Discounts, and foreign Currency
  • Invoice for POs with Account Assigment

Unit 6: Variances and Invoice Blocks

  • Variances and Blocking Reasons
  • Invoice Reduction
  • Variances without reference to an item
  • Releasing Blocked Invoices

Unit 7: Subsequent Debit. Credits, Delivery Costs, & Credit Memos

  • Subsequent Debits/ Credits
  • Delivery Costs
  • Invoices without reference
  • Credit Memos & reversals

Unit 8: Automated Processes in Invoice Verification

  • Invoice Verification in the Background
  • Automatic Settlements

Unit 9: GR/IR Account Maintenance

  • GR/IR Account Maintenance
  • Customizing settings and new functions in Invoice Verification

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